2-Bar Figures
The following Figures require 2 bars of music; where this is not the standard Time allocation and where alternative Time allocations apply, some comment is included.Advance and retire:
this is a rare form used in some Strathspeys.
this Time allocation applies for one Couple going under a single Arch; when there is more than one Arch, the Timing is longer but not pro rata.
Axum reel:
the basic element which, apart from the complications of mapping to Starting and Finishing Positions, is repeated four times for the half form and 8 times for the full form as defined in Complex Figures.
Cast down or Cast up or Cast clockwise or Cast anticlockwise one Place:
when Casting more than one Place, the Timing is longer but not pro rata.
Cross down or Cross up Diagonally.
Hands round to the left halfway:
this is a rare form used in bars 11-12 and 14-16 of The Duchess Tree and some other Strathspeys; it is difficult to perform neatly.
Hands round to the right halfway:
this is a rare form used in bars 31-32 of John McAlpin and some other Strathspeys; it is difficult to perform neatly.
Lead down or Lead up one Place:
when Leading more than one Place, the Timing is longer but not pro rata.
Petronella turn.
the basic element which may be repeated as required.
Set (Pas-de-basque and Common Schottische, the Strathspey setting step).
Step up or Step down.
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