Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

2 Couple Jigs

Here is a list of those Scottish Country Dances which are danced in jig tempo with a 2-couple repeat in longwise sets and for which a crib and/or a crib diagram is available on this site. Note that, whatever the deviser may have prescribed, dances with a 2-couple repeat may be performed in a set of 2-, 3-, 4- or even more couples.

The list is especially useful to those seeking jigs suitable for a group of fewer than six dancers. Note that this list does not include those already shown in either 2 Couple Square Set Dances or 2 Couple Round The Room Dances.

1​st February
200 King Street North
Alaina's Bus Stop Jig
Alice's Request
Alice's Request
Babbling Brook
Banks Of Allen
Belfast Almanac
Black Cat
Black Donald (Haynes)
Black House
Blue Bonnets
Blue Loch
Bonnie Wee Glen
Border Jig
Bricks Of Madison
Brudenell Jig
Buckie Jig
Burns Night
Busy Ann
Cadger's Roadie
Caledonian Rant (Dugan)
Campbell's Caper
Captain White
Catnip Mice
Chasing An Elf
Cock O' The North (Drewry)
Cold And Raw
Collie Law
Come What May (Butterfield)
Coral Wedding
Crabbit Shona
Craigellachie Lasses
Crieff Jig
Cubbie Roo
Cupar Jig
Dame's Delight
Dance For Chloe
Dancing Career
Doe At Dawn
Duke Of Atholl's Reel
Easy Does It
Elinor Of Briar Lea
Elizabeth Adair
Euan's Jig
First Ray Of The Sun
First Snowdrops
Flowers Of Scotland
Fly Not Yet
Founder's Jig
Four Daisies
Gloria's Wee Jig
Great Expectations
Green Mountain Jig
Guidman Of Balangigh
Hall Of The South
Hallowe'en (Bell)
Hamilton Races
Happy Anniversary (van Maarseveen)
Happy Anniversary Jig
Happy Meeting
Harold House Jig
Haste To The Wedding
Helpful Jig
Highland Fair
Hollin Buss
Holy Cow!!
It's Nae Bother
Jane's Jig (Hoffman)
January Welcome
Jean Sim's Jig
Jeannie O' The Witchin' E'e
Jean's Jig (Burnell)
Jenny Come Down To Jock
Jig For Elthea
Jig For Kay
Jig For Mrs Dunn
Jig For Robin
Jig With Alexandra
Jindalee Jig
Johnny McGill
Johnny's New Jig
Just A Dance
Just As I Was In The Morning
Kendall's Hornpipe
Kendall's Jig
Kenmure's On And Awa'
Kinlock Of Kinlock
Kiss For Nothing
Kitchen Faerie
Ladies' Fancy
Lady Catherine Bruce's Reel
Laird Of Oxgangs
Lang May Your Lum Reek
Largo Frolic
Law Society Of Scotland 70th Anniversary Jig
Leap Year
Leg Of A Duck
Leith Country Dance
Linton Ploughman
Lionel's Jig
Little Ross Light
Lobster In The Pot
Maple Grove
Marchioness Of Blandford's Reel
Margaree Valley Jig
Merry Oddfellows
Midnight Jig
Mill Rig
Milltimber Jig
Miss Anderson Of Hobart
Miss Frances Stamp
Miss Rough Of Longbank
Miss Stewart's Jig
My Ain Hoose
My Mither's Aye Glow'rin' Owre Me
Nancy Dawson
Nineteenth Of December
Noah's Ark (Ligtmans)
Noah's Ark (van Maarseveen)
Norma's Tune
North End Jig
Off She Goes
Off To Rio
Off To Speyside
Oh, How We've Danced!
Once On The Right, Once On The Left
Penny Whistle
Peterhead Lassies
Purdy Pink Shoes
Rambling Jig
Ready To Begin Again
Reekie Linn
Rennie's Bridge
Ring O' Roses
River Cree
Rock And The Wee Pickle Tow
Rory O' More
Rosnor Abbey
Rothesay Country Dance
Royal Visit
Rudi's Fault
Saturday Morning
Saw Ye My Wee Thing
Saxie's Baa
Scottish Reform
Seeing Spots
Shake Yourself
Shepherd's Wife
Shire Of Air
Shoulder To Shoulder
Skippit A Wee
Sky Top Jig
Sorcerer's Apprentice
Sound Technician
St Andrew's Day (Hynes)
St Nicholas Gardens
St Patrick's Day
Stone Court
Sturt's Desert Rose
Summer Gathering
T B Laing Esq
Tarry A While
Tayport Beauty
Teviot Bridge
Teviot Bridge Reconstructed
That's My Jo'
Thor's Hammer
Those Eyes
Trip To Glasgow
Twa Corbies (Boyd)
Twinbairn's Reel
Two And Two
Uncle Bill's Jig
Under The Trees
Visit In Rome
Wandering Willie
Watson's Reel
We'll Dance, And Sing, And Rejoice, Man
Wee Cooper O' Fife
Wee Nothin'
Welcome Reel
Wheel Done
Whistler Jig
Will Starr
Willie's Little Jig
Windy Strath

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