Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

5 Couple Square Set Dances

Here is a list of those Scottish Country Dances which are danced in 5 couple, square sets and for which a crib is available on this site.

15th Anniversary Strathspey
Anniversary Tensome
Autumn In Pitlochry
Brecon In March
Chappit Ten
Charlotte Clarke's Strathspey
Clive Square
Derek's Reel
Donald's Gain
Exciseman (Rayner)
Fisherman's Reel
Galloway Tensome
Gavin's Reel
Gordon's Cider Press
Graham's Frolic
Haliburton Tensome
Hungarian Bride
Light Hearted Una
Lost In Boston
Magic Roundabout (Fischer) - Ladies progress, Men do not.
Muriel's Strathspey
Oh Canada
Posting Round The World
Ready Aye Ready
Senior Citizen's Reel
Silver Square
Sorbie Tensome Reel
Spinning Wheel (Croot)
Ten O'Clock Reel
Three "E"s
Tirl The Sneck
Welcome To Nerja

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