Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary


The SCD Dictionary of Dance Instructions Pages

Although the presentation and indexing of the material in this part of the site is original, the content is mostly not. We are indebted to
  • Charles Upton and his successors - MiniCrib
    for the free availability of these "Brief Scottish Country Dance Notes" which cover over 6600 dances.
  • Keith Rose
    for the free availability of his Pilling-style Scottish Country Dance Diagrams which cover over 4600 dances.
  • The many contributors to YouTube and Vimeo
    for the free availability of videos of Scottish Country Dance performances which cover over 3100 dances.
  • Wikipedia and the many other Creative Commons sites and their contributors
    for the free availability of material, mainly relating to dance names, which we have used in the Dance Information sections of our Dance Instructions pages. Particular credit must go to those who have provided their photos on Geograph, for example Richard Webb, who has made available over 64,000 pictures, and Anne Burgess with over 19,000 pictures. Their (often stunning) photographs along with the detailed explanations they provide have contributed to the hugely rich resources at Geograph, as in this example.
Loch Mallachie Photograph.
Loch Mallachie
Photograph By Richard Webb Taken May 2013

The SCD Dictionary of Dancing Terms Pages

For this original material, and also for his own MaxiCribs and Dance Notes in the Dance Instructions pages, the author has drawn extensively from those publications which he has been able to obtain (or borrow many times from the local Public Library), notably:
  • Jean C. Milligan - 101 Scottish Country Dances
  • Jean C. Milligan - 99 More Scottish Country Dances
  • Jack McConachie - Scottish Country Dances of the Eighteenth Century
  • F.J. Pilling and successors - Scottish Country Dances in Diagrams
  • Collins' Pocket Reference R.S.C.D.S.
  • R.S.C.D.S. - The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing
  • J.F. and T.M. Flett - Traditional Dancing of Scotland
  • A. Anderson and J.M. Duthie - A Complete Guide to Scottish Country Dancing

The author would like to acknowledge those teachers (especially Martin Sprague and Jean Attwood) who tried to instill in him the rudiments of Scottish Country Dancing, the long-suffering fellow dancers of the many societies whose events he has attended, the many ladies (mainly of the Dorchester and Newbury Societies) who were kind enough not to refuse him as an inexperienced partner, Jessie Collins who has introduced him to many new dances, Ian Robertson for technical advice on the music and, most of all, the very competent dancer who agreed to become his wife.

The Internet has enabled access to material which was either not published in hard copy form or which is no longer available. The following have been invaluable:

Charles Upton - MiniCrib Scottish Country Dancing Notes
The "Brief Scottish Country Dance Notes" available free for use in easily prepared cribsheets.

Alan Paterson - Scottish Country Dance Database
This collection of information on the characteristics of over 13,000 Scottish Country Dances (based on Keith Napier's original index) until it was no longer supported at the "" site. Subsequently, it has been made available, and is regularly updated, at The Strathspey Server Dance Database.

Our thanks also go to those who have supplied information and tools used in the building of this site - especially those at and

Errors and Omissions in this Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Any technical publication of this size will contain errors and suffer from omissions, even though much effort has been expended in checking. The author is grateful to those who have pointed out defects and deficiencies and welcomes comments from visitors.
Please see our Contact page.

Image copyright Richard Webb under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.

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