Allemande for 4 Couples
In order to accommodate 4 Couples, it is necessary in Allemande for 4 couples to forgo the distinctive first bar movement of the other Allemande Figures. Since the Men do not roam Above 1st couple's position, this saves more than 1 bar compared to the Allemande Figures for fewer Couples and so bar 5 can be Danced in unison, Finishing with all 4 Couples in the Men's Side line, 4th Man in 1st Man's Place, 3rd Man in 2nd Man's Place, 2nd Man in 3rd Man's Place and 1st Man in 4th Man's Place. To avoid a sloppy Finish, it is especially important that all four Couples move in unison on bars 5-8.The Couples must start Facing Up on the Centre line and either Take hands in Allemande hold or convert an existing Hold, such as Turn by the right, into Allemande hold. It is preferable to complete the transition to Allemande hold at the end of the previous Phrase.
Using a Travelling step throughout the 8-bar Figure, for the 1st Couple:
in bar 1, rotate, Cross The set to the Men's Side (Man in 1st Man's Place) and rotate again, Finishing Facing Down;
in bar 2, Dance Down the Men's Side to 2nd Place;
in bar 3, Dance Down the Men's Side to 3rd Place;
in bar 4, Dance Down the Men's Side to 4th Place.
For the 2nd Couple:
in bar 1, Dance Up The set one Place;
in bar 2, rotate, Cross The set to the Men's Side (Man in 1st Man's Place) and rotate again, Finishing Facing Down;
in bar 3, rotate and Dance Down the Men's Side to 2nd Place;
in bar 4, Dance Down the Men's Side to 3rd Place.
For the 3rd Couple:
in bar 1, Dance Up The set one Place;
in bar 2, Dance Up The set one Place;
in bar 3, rotate, Cross The set to the Men's Side (Man in 1st Man's Place) and rotate again, Finishing Facing Down;
in bar 4, rotate and Dance Down the Men's Side to 2nd Place.
For the 4th Couple:
in bar 1, Dance Up The set one Place;
in bar 2, Dance Up The set one Place;
in bar 3, Dance Up The set one Place;
in bar 4, rotate, Cross The set to the Men's Side (Man in 1st Man's Place) and rotate again, Finishing Facing Down.
All 4 Couples move in unison on bars 5-8 as in Allemande for 2 couples.
Allemande for 4 couples is required in the Scottish Country Dances:
Alison Rose
Sunday Morning
Dance Video Clip Which Demonstrates Allemande for 4 Couples
Allemande for 4 Couples Video ClipLinks To Pages Related To 'Allemande'
Complex FiguresAllemande For 2 Couples
Allemande For 2 Couples (RSCDS Definition)
Allemande For 3 Couples
Allemande For 3 Couples (RSCDS Definition)
Allemande For 4 Couples
Circulating Allemande For 2 Couples
Circulating Allemande (For 3 Couples)
Interlocking Allemandes
Inverted Allemande
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