Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Borders' Poussette

This Figure is a rare alternative to Poussette (in Quick tempo Scottish Country Dances) which was popular in the Scottish Borders in the early part of the 20th century; it was favoured by Allie Anderson (to whom the eponymous dance is dedicated) and John Duthie in A Complete Guide to Scottish Country Dancing, not least because the Men are not required to Start on the left foot. Like the standard Pas-de-basque Poussette, the Figure is Progressive, the two Couples Start on the Centre line and Finish in their Own side lines, having Exchanged Places. In detail:

Bar 1
this is as bar 1 of the Poussette but 1st man and 2nd lady do not reach their Sidelines;

Bar 2
this is as bar 2 of the Poussette but 1st man and 2nd lady also rotate one quarter, clockwise, rather than Set On the spot so that the Figure for each Couple is really Turn both hands one quarter;

Bar 3
this is the same as bar 3 of the Poussette but Travelling on lines nearer the Centreline;

Bar 4
this is the same as bar 2 of this Figure;

Bar 5
this is as bar 5 of the Poussette but with less distance to Travel;

Bar 6
this is the same as bar 6 of the Poussette but with the Turns reduced to one quarter, all Finishing on the Centreline;

Bars 7-8
both Couples continue the Turn one quarter more, release hands to Face Across the set and Set Retiring to Finish in the Sidelines, having Exchanged Places.

Regarding the alignment in bar 6, Anderson and Duthie, the proponents of Borders' poussette, note that "The effect is rather striking". Their preference for it, rather than the Scottish Country Dance Society's Poussette, is strongly influenced by the Men's Starting foot; they are quite damning of the left foot Start.

Borders' poussette could be used in place of Poussette in any dance; it occurs explicitly in the Jig, Borders' Traditional.

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