Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Corners' Square

In a Longwise set with 3 Couples in the Active set, it is convenient to define the rectangle joining the Corners' positions as the Corners' square (if the width of The set is exactly twice the spacing of the Places On the sides, the rectangle actually is a square, mathematically). It is shown in the diagram as the boundary of the shaded area.
Diagram, Structure Of 3 Couple Longwise Set Scottish Country Dance

Some Figures start with three Dancers in line (either On the sides or Across the set), Facing three others (on the opposite side of the Corners' square) and then move them around the sides of the Corners' square. For example, Set and link for three normally starts with 3 Couples On the sides and, after 4 bars, they are in lines Across the set; after 4 more bars, they are again in the Sidelines, now all on Opposite sides.

Sometimes, as in Crown triangles, the Middle Dancers are Facing Outwards; in this Figure, it is only these Middle Dancers who move around the Corners' square, While the Corners merely Turn on the spot appropriately to Face the Dancing man or Dancing lady as the Figure proceeds.

When the Corners Chase around the Corners' square as, for example in bars 17-24 of The Falls Of Rogie, their path should follow the rectilinear shape of the Corners' square as closely as possible, and with 2 bars allocated for each side, rather than a sloppy circular shape.

Here are examples of those Scottish Country Dances for which we have instructions on this site and in which the term, Corners' square, either appears explicitly or is implied; note that for a common term these will be a small selection; for a rare term, these may be all that exist:

Cape Town Wedding
Cuckoo Clock
Gang The Same Gate
Reel Friends

Dance Video Clip Which Demonstrates Corners' Square in a Longwise Set

Corners' Square Video Clip

Links To Pages Related To 'Positions'

Set Structure

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