Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Adelaide Strathspey

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE ADELAIDE STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4C set Jean Lumsden Piping Shrike Collection

1- 8 1s dance Figs of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s followed by 2s lead down, 2s followed by 1s lead up to 1st and 2nd places
17-24 1s+3s set and link, 1s+4s set and link. 2341
25-32 1s dance Figs of 8 round 4s

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Instruction Videos

The Adelaide Strathspey - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

Adelaide is the capital city of South Australia and the fifth-largest city in Australia.
Centre Of Adelaide
The Centre Of The City Of Adelaide In South Australia As Seen From The Mount Lofty Summit

This page contains both original content, which is copyrighted, and excerpts from Wikipedia and other sources using the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Text from this original Adelaide article on Wikipedia.
Image from Maggas at English Wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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