Albert's Welcome (To Potten End)
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
ALBERT'S WELCOME (To Potten End) (J4x48) Sq.Set Stephen Webb Berkhamsted Golden Jubilee Book1- 8 1s promenade anticlockwise inside set, 1M leaves 1L in 4L place, prom with 4L to 3L place, prom with 3L to 2L place, prom with 2L to top place. All face corners
9-16 All set advancing, turn corners 2H to form cross (Ladies RH in centre) all facing clockwise. All dance RH across ½ round, Ladies cross in front of Men who finish BtoB facing Ladies
17-20 All pivot turn to face again
21-32 Double diagonal reels of 4 (LH across in centre)
33-40 Men set to corners and to each other (Hello-Goodbye) ½ round. End beside original partner facing out
41-48 Double Ladies' Chain (½ RH across in centre) and finish in square set. 4123
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
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