Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Around The Cabot Trail

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Around The Cabot Trail
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Haliburton School Of Arts SCD Book 7:
4x48 bar Jig
4-couple dance in longways set

  1-8   ADVANCE, RETIRE AND TURN RIGHT: all turn advance and retire, then turn partner by the right hand;

  9-16 ADVANCE, RETIRE AND TURN LEFT: ll turn advance and retire, then turn partner by the left hand;

17-32 TRAINS FOR WOMEN THEN MEN: women dance a chase anticlockwise around the men, then the men dance a chase clockwise around the women;

33-40 CIRCLE AND BACK: all dance a circle to the left and back;

41-48 1ST SLIP DOWN AND BACK AND CAST TO BOTTOM: 1st couple slip down (2 bars), slip back up (2 bars), then cast to the bottom as the other couples step up.

Repeat with new top couple.

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

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