Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

At The Summit

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

AT THE SUMMIT (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Craig and Jody Williams Ardbrae 50 Years

1- 8 1s turn 2H, face up, cast (2s step up), cross RH and cast round 1st corners to finish facing 1st corners
9-12 1s + 1st corners set, 1s cast round each other (RSh) to 3rd corner places as corners dance in, pull back RSh to face their original places
13-16 1s + 1st corners repeat bars 9-12, corners end in opposite corner places while 1s dance in, pull back RSh to face 2nd corners
17-24 1s + 2nd corners repeat bars 9-16, with 1s passing RSh into 2nd place opposite sides. All now on opposite sides. (3)(1)(2)
25-32 3s+1s+2s set and link for 3 twice. 213

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Notes

Bars 9-24 of this dance are known as the figure, Peter White Reel.

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

At The Summit - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

This strathspey, At The Summit, was devised by Craig and Jody Williams in 2009 for Bob and Barbara Anglin in Ottawa.

Recommended music: The Anglins Of Ottawa, by Muriel Johnstone.

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