Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Barrie Alexander Strathspey

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Barrie Alexander Strathspey (S4x32) 4C set Sue Petyt

1-8 Second and third couples dance a diamond (all round) poussette, while first and fourth couples set, cross over to change places with partners, and chase clockwise half way round the set. (4 2 3 1) (keep the poussette within the set to avoid colliding with the dancer chasing round)
9-16 All dance right shoulder reels of four on the sides (no loops at the end)
17-24 Fourth and second couples, third and first couples dance half rights and lefts, join hands and set, and cross over giving right hand to partner. (2 4 1 3)
25-32 Second and fourth couples, first and third couples dance right hand across and left hand across

Repeat from new positions

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Sue Petyt, 2007)

Dance Instruction Videos

The Barrie Alexander Strathspey - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

The original tune for this dance is 'The Seafarer' by Willie McRobert
Barrie's favourite Strathspey music was 'Mid Fodderletter' (track 6) from the Dancers' Choice Volume 1 CD, and if using CDs this is the recommended music for the dance.

Written to remember Barrie, a much missed member of the Kirkpatrick Fleming and Annan dance classes.

(Dance information by the deviser, Sue Petyt)

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