Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Beinn Edra

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

BEINN EDRA (M-(S2x32+R2x32)) 4C set Fiona MacDonald Dedicated Dancing
2 chords - on 2nd chord 3s and 4s cross to opposite sides

1- 8 1s+2s also 3s+3s set and rotate (top 2 and bottom 2 couples set facing in diagonally) 21(4)(3)
9-16 Tandem reels on sides: 1M followed by 4L RSh to 2M (up), 4M followed by 1L RSh to 3M (down)
17-24 Double Knot:
 2s+1s dance Knot down Men's side to bottom ending on opposite sides while 4s+3s dance Knot up Ladies' side to top ending on own sides. 43(2)(1)
25-28 3s+2s (middle couples) dance ½ RH across and set. 42(3)(1)
29-32 4s+1s turn partner RH (4 bars) moving down/up to 2nd/3rd place while 2s+3s cast to 1st/4th place and turn RH (2 bars) 24(1)(3)

Repeat once more in Strathspey time and twice in Reel time

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Beinn Edra Medley (S2x32/R2x32) 4 Couple set Fiona MacDonald Dedicated Dancing
3s and 4s cross over on 2nd chord

1 - 8 1s with 2s and 3s with 4s Set and Rotate (M1 facing L2, L1 facing M2 and M3 facing L4, L3 facing M4 to start setting) 21(4)(3)
9 - 16 Tandem Reels on sides - M1 followed by L4 give RSh to M2 and M4 followed by L1 give RSh to M3 21(4)(3)
17 - 24 "Double Knot":
 2s and 1s dance knot down M's side of set to bottom unwinding out on to the "wrong side" while 4s and 3s dance knot up L's side of the set to top unwinding out on to "right side" 43(2)(1)
25 - 28 3s and 2s ½ RA and set 42(3)(1)
29 - 32 4s and 1s TR (4 bars) moving down/up to 2nd and 3rd places while 2s and 3s cast to 1st and 4th places and TR (2 bars) 24(1)(3)

Repeat in Strathspey time and twice more in Reel time

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Fiona MacDonald)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

This medley, Beinn Edra, was devised for The Isle Of Skye RSCDS Branch.

(Dance information from Dedicated Dancing, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Fiona MacDonald)

Beinn Edra is a summit in the north of the Isle Of Skye, in Scotland, which forms part of the Trotternish ridge with a height of 611 metres.
Beinn Edra
Beinn Edra Summit - Looking South Towards The Trigpoint
In The Background The Trotternish Ridge Continues Southwards Towards The Distant Storr

Published in Dedicated Dancing Collection, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Fiona MacDonald.
Image copyright John Allan under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.

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