Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary


Scottish Country Dance Instruction

BRAMHALL (S8x32) 3C (4C set) John Drewry Bankhead Book 3

1- 8 All set and 1s+3s petronella turn into middle, centre couple (1M+3L) dance round each other to change places while partners set and 1s+3s petronella turn to sides
9-16 All set and 1s+3s petronella turn into middle, centre couple (1L+3M) dance round each other to change places while partners set and 3s+1s ¾ turn LH into prom hold facing up while 2s dance in
17-24 3s+2s+1s Promenade and 3s end casting to bottom. 213
25-32 1M+3M turn LH while 1L+3L turn RH, 1M+2M turn RH while 1L+2L turn LH

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Information

Bramhall is a suburb of the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport, in Greater Manchester, England.

It has a population of around 55,953 and research by the University of Sheffield has placed Bramhall as the most neighbourly area in Britain.

Bramall Hall, A Tudor Timber-Framed Manor House In Bramhall, Stockport

Dance information licensed under this Creative Commons Licence 3.0.
Text from this original Bramhall article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright Tracey Davenport.

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