The Brisk Young Lad
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
THE BRISK YOUNG LAD (J5x48) 5C set John Drewry Autumn Collection 841-12 1s+2s+4s+5s dance RSh reel of 4 on sides (3s stand)
13-16 1s+2s and 4s+5s turn RH on sides while 3s turn LH in centre to end facing "1st corner couples" (Lady facing 1M+2M and Man facing 4L+5L)
17-24 3s dance RH across with 1st corners, pass RSh and dance LH across with "2nd corners" (Lady with 4M+5M and Man with 1L+2L)
25-32 3s dance out centre of own sides and cast clockwise round 3rd corner couple, dance in and pass partner RSh and dance out other end casting round 4th corner couple to 3rd place own sides (corner couples advance and retire to allow 3s to dance behind them)
33-40 All circle 10H round and back
41-48 2s+3s+4s+5s set and cast up 1 place while 1s set advancing and lead down to bottom, all turn RH
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
The Brisk Young Lad - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
The title of this dance, The Brisk Young Lad, comes from The Brisk Young Lad - Song published in 1776 originally entitled "The Cauldrife Wooer."Chorus
And wow! but he was a braw young lad,
A brisk young lad, and a braw young lad.
And wow: but he was a braw young lad.
Cam' seeking me to woo.
'The song is about a brave young lad who came to woo, but was unsuccessful as he had far too much to drink.
The Brisk Young Lad Song - Information Video

Brisk Young Lad, From The Book Of Scottish Songs, Page 359
Image copyright, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
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