Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Broken Promises

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

BROKEN PROMISES (S32) Round The Room Jim Rae A Dancing Tour
Round the room dance, 2 facing 2

1- 8 All dance 4H round to left, turn opposite dancer 2H, turn partners 2H and end facing partners
9-12 All set Highland Schottische to partners and ¾ turn dancer on left of partner LH both ending in their partner's place
13-16 All set Highland Schottische to partner and ¾ turn dancer on partner's right RH both ending in their original places
17-24 Dance interlocking reels of 4 passing partner RSh ending couple facing couple
25-32 All dance the Rondel to progress

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

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