Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Broose Reel

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Broose Reel
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Gaelic College SCD Book 9: A Dozen in Hand
2x32 bar Reel
4-couple dance in Square set

  1-8   ADVANCE AND RETIRE TWICE: nearer hands joined in a circle using walking steps;

  9-16 HEAD COUPLES SET, PETRONELLA IN TANDEM, SET AND PASS: 1st and 3rd couple set with nearer hands joined, Petronella in Tandem, set nearer hands joined, and pass opposite couple by right shoulder to dance into;

17-24 ½ HAND-IN-HAND REELS OF 4 WITH SIDE COUPLES AND CHASE: nearer hands joined with partner, ½ Hand-in-Hand Reel of 4 starting passing right shoulder (1st with 2nd, and 3rd with 4th couple): on bars 13-16 side couples chase home clockwise (on bars 15-16 head couples chase into original places);

25-32 CIRCLE AND BACK: all dance 4 hands round and back;

33-64 REPEAT Bars 1-32 with Side Couples leading.

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

Dance Information

"Broose" is Scots for "race (either on foot or on horseback) at country wedding".

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