The Buchan Eightsome Reel
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
1- 8 All dance 8H round and back
9-16 All dance Grand Chain ½ way
17-24 Ladies dance into centre and dance RH across with partners on their left (St Andrew's Cross) once round
25-32 All dance Grand Chain ½ way
33-40 Men dance into centre with partners on their right and dance LH across once round
Part 2
1- 8 All circle 7H round and back with 1L in centre who sets
9-16 1L sets to partner and turns RH (Elbow grip), sets to opposite Man and turns LH
17-24 1L sets to M originally on her right and turns LH, sets to opposite M and turns RH
25-40 1L dances reel of 3 with partner and opposite Man (RSh to partner) then dances reel with other Men (LSh to M on right), Men raise both arms in reel
Repeat with 2L in centre then 3L, 4L, 1M, 2M, 3M and 4M
1-40 Part 3 Repeat Part 1
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
The Buchan Eightsome Reel
Anon RSCDS Book 21
Reel 400 bars 4 Couple Repeat 4 Couple Set Square Set
1-40 Chorus:
1-8 8 hands round and back;
9-16 grand chain halfway;
17-24 Ls inside, Mn outside, right hands across, all the way round;
25-32 grand chain halfway;
33-40 Mn inside, Ls outside, left hands across, all the way round.
41-80 1L's Solo:
41-48 1L dance any solo setting step in the centre WHILE all except 1L 7 hands round and back;
49-52 1L, with partner, set and turn by the right;
53-56 1L, with opposite M, set and turn by the left;
57-60 1L, with first corner (M originally next on the side away from partner), set and turn by the left;
61-64 1L, with second corner (M originally next on partner's side), set and turn by the right;
65-72 1L, with partner (giving right shoulder) and opposite M, reel of 3 across;
73-80 1L, with first corner (giving left shoulder) and second corner, reel of 3 across, all finishing in original places.
81-120 2L repeat 1L's Solo.
121-160 3L repeat 1L's Solo.
161-200 4L repeat 1L's Solo.
201-240 1M repeat 1L's Solo (with M L etc. interchanged in the instructions).
241-280 2M repeat 1M's Solo.
281-320 3M repeat 1M's Solo.
321-360 4M repeat 1M's Solo.
361-400 All repeat Chorus (bars 1-40).
(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
The Buchan Eightsome Reel - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
Buchan is an historic district and earldom, shown on maps as early as 1708. The Earldom of Mar and Buchan formed one of the seven original Scottish earldoms; later the Earl of Buchan became separated from Mar. There is also a town of Buchan. The district was eventually combined into the county of Aberdeenshire, along with Marr and later The Mearns.Buchan is currently one of the six committee areas and administrative areas of Aberdeenshire Council, Scotland. These areas were created by the council in 1996, when the Aberdeenshire unitary council area was created under the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994. The council area was formed by merging three districts of the Grampian region, Banff and Buchan, Gordon and Kincardine and Deeside.

The Buchan Eightsome Reel Crib - Before Minicrib
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