Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Busy B

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

BUSY B (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Maureen Robson, Second Canberra Book and From North to South

1- 8 1s cast (2s step up), dance down below 3s and cast up to face 1st corners
9-10 1s+1st corners set
11-16 1s cast round each other to partner's 1st corner position and face out, 1L curves to right and dances up between 3s, 1M curves to right and dances down between 2s, 1s turn RH to face 2nd corners while 1st corners dance in, turn RH, dance out to place and set
17-18 1s+2nd corners set
19-24 1s cast round each other to partner's 2nd corner position and face out, curve to right, dance through 2nd place own side and cross RH to end on opposite sides, 1L facing up, 1M down while 2nd corners dance in, turn RH, dance out to place and set. 2(1)3
25-32 2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s RSh to 1st corners to start). Bars 31-32: 1s cross diagonally to 2nd place own side (1L from 3M's place, 1M from 1L's place). 213

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Busy B (R8x32) 3C (4C set) by Maureen Robson

1-8 First couple cast down round second couple, dance down between third couple with nearer hands joined and cast up round third couple to finish back to back facing first corners. Second couple step up on bars 1 and 2.
9-10 First couple set to first corners.
11-16 First couple cast, dance round third corner positions and into the middle (first man down between second couple and first woman up between third couple) (4 bars) and turn with right hands to finish back to back facing second corners (2 bars) while first corners turn with right hands (4 bars) and set (2 bars).
17-18 First couple set to second corners.
19-24 First couple cast, dance round fourth corner positions and into second place on the sidelines (4 bars) and cross over with right hands to finish on opposite sides facing out (2 bars) while second corners turn with right hands (4 bars) and set (2 bars).
25-32 First couple dance reels of three with corners passing first corners by right shoulders to begin. On bars 31 and 32, first couple cross diagonally to own sides in second place (first woman from third man's place and first man from first woman's place) to finish facing out ready to begin again.

Repeat having passed a couple

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Maureen Robson, March 2018)

Dance Notes

After the second time through, first couple finish facing out and cast to the bottom of the set as the new first couple cast. Fourth couple step up.

Dance Instruction Videos

Busy B - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

This reel, Busy B, was devised during the night of Wednesday 21 June 2017 for my granddaughter Brianna who is busy training to be a nurse. Dance amended on Saturday 24 March 2018.

The dance was the winner of the Scottish Country Dance Club of Canberra 2018 Scottish Country Dance Devisers' competition and is published in "The Second Canberra Book of Scottish Country Dances".

Recommended recorded music - "The Highland Lass", track 6 on "The Etive Selection" played by Alastair Hunter and the Lorne Scottish Dance Band.

Busy B was danced during an evening to introduce some of the dances from Maureen Robson's new collection, "From North to South". Live music is by Hilary Ferral and Aileen Logie.

All the music for 'From North to South' was composed by Wellington musician Peter Elmes and arranged by Aileen Logie.

(Dance information by the deviser, Maureen Robson)

Published in Second Canberra Book of SCDs.pdf.

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