Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Caledonian Caper

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Caledonian Caper (R8x40) 3C (4C set) Sue Petyt

1-4 First man and third lady turn ¾ with right hand, and finish first man in third man's place, and third lady in first lady's place WHILE first lady and third man set to each other and cast two places to finish first lady in third lady's place and third man in first man's place
5-8 First and third couples turn all the way round with the left hand and finish facing out, WHILE second couple turn all the way round with both hands (Pas de Basque) and finish in the centre of the set facing down, nearer hands joined
9-14 Second, third and first couple dance reels of three on the sides. First couple dance out and up, second couple dance in and down, third couple dance out and down
15-16 At the end of the reel, third couple dance a loop, second and first couples continue the reel to pass each other and finish, second couple in third place, and first couple facing their first corner position
17-18 First couple turn their first corner position right hand, and finish by joining left hand with second corner position as in double triangles
19-20 All set
21-22 First couple turn their second corner position ¾ of the way round with the left hand and finish man between threes facing down (threes are in top place facing up) and lady between twos facing up (twos are in third place facing down). Join hands as in double triangles
23-24 All set
25-32 First man dances a reel of three across the dance with the third couple giving right shoulder to third man to start, while first lady dances a reel of three across the dance with second couple giving right shoulder to second lady to start. First couple finish in second place. All three couples finish in the centre facing up
33-40 First three couples dance an allemande

Repeat having passed a couple

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Sue Petyt, 1999)

Dance Notes

At the end of the second turn, the dancing couple stand still in third place for 2 bars, and then step down to fourth place, while the new third couple dance the first two bars from fourth place.

(Dance notes by the deviser, Sue Petyt)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

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