Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Can-Do Ceilidh

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Can-Do Ceilidh
Teresa Lockhart Adapted from A Canonbie Ceilidh
Reel n x 32 bars n Couple Repeat n Couple Set Progressive Large Circular Set

  1-8   Each L figure of 8 (dance in front of and all round partner and then in front of and all round first corner (M on her right));

  9-16 each M figure of 8 (dance in front of and all round partner and then in front of and all round first corner (L on his left));

17-20 taking hands with partner, all advance and retire;

21-22 retaining hands with partner, all advance;

21-24 retaining hands with partner, all retire, each L pulling left shoulder back to face partner;

25-28 all dos-à-dos with partner;

29-32 each M take right hand with L to right of partner and turn her by the right to finish in the circle with her on his right as his new partner.

(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)

Dance Notes

This adaptation is a simplification of A Canonbie Ceilidh, avoiding the complicated form of dos-à-dos. The repeat length is reduced to 32 bars which is less counter-intuitive for dancers and actually preferred by many musicians.

(Dance notes by Reuben Freemantle)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

Can-Do Ceilidh - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video
Dancing Peasants
Can-Do Ceilidh
"Village Scene With Dancing Peasants Outside An Inn" Adriaen van Ostade (1610-1685), Oil On Oak Panel c. 1660

Image copyright Adriaen van Ostade, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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