Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Canberra Bluebell

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE CANBERRA BLUEBELL (S1x80) Sq.set Leslie Cumming To Be A Wind
 3s  4s Men in centre facing partner
 2s  1s Ladies BtoB in centre facing partner

1- 4 1L+2L also 3L+4L nearer hands joined, dance out between partners, cast round them, dance in, 1L with 2L, 3L with 4L pass LSh in the middle
5- 8 1L+4L also 3L+2L nearer hands joined, dance out between partners, cast round them, dance in, 1L with 4L, 3L with 2L pass LSh in the middle
9-12 3L+4L also 1L+2L nearer hands joined, dance out between partners, cast round them, dance in, 3L with 4L, 1L with 2L pass LSh in the middle
13-16 3L+2L also 1L+4L nearer hands joined, dance out between partners, cast round them, dance in, 3L with 2L, 1L with 4L pass LSh in the middle
17-24 All set Highland Schottische in original place. All turn partner 1½ RH into Allemande hold facing anticlockwise
25-32 All promenade round the set. Ladies end in partners' original place (at the corners), Men end 'on sides' between 2 ladies
33-36 All Men dance into the centre, pull back RSh to face out and Petronella turn to one place clockwise round 'on sides' between 2 ladies
37-48 All Men repeat bars 33-36 three more times
49-56 All Ladies dance LH across; all turn partner RH to end in original places
57-64 All dance double RSh reels of 4, LH across in centre
65-72 All set Highland Schottische in original place. All turn partner 1½ RH into Promenade hold facing anticlockwise
73-80 All Promenade round back to original place (Alternative: Promenade round and dance off, 1s leading)

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

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