Cannon Hill Assembly
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
CANNON HILL ASSEMBLY (S4x32) Sq.Set Anna C Holden Scottish Country Dances1- 8 All Ladies cast behind partners round to their corner Man and turn RH, all Ladies dance ½ LH across to face Man opposite their corner
9-16 All dance double reels of 4 and end with Man dancing on 1 place to meet partner
17-24 All set (4 bars), advance passing partner RSh and retire at right angles to face partner (Men facing clockwise and Ladies anticlockwise)
25-32 All dance DoSiDo round partner, set and turn RH (Men facing out to start next 32 bars)
33-64 Repeat with Men dancing Ladies moves
Repeat bars 1-64
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
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