Card It Weil
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Card It WeilMaggie and Duncan Keppie Gaelic College SCD Book 8: The Handy Dozen
3x32 bar Jig
3-couple Triangular Set
1-4 SET AND TEAPOTS: all set (1st couple advancing) and dance 3-hands across, 1st man left hand with 2nd couple and 1st woman right hand with 3rd couple;
5-8 CROSSOVER WHEELS: 3-hands across each person crossing into opposite wheel as they reach the middle, women passing in front of men (1st couple cross on bar 5, 2nd man and 3rd woman on bar 6, 2nd woman and 3rd man on bar 7: end nearer hands joined with partner, 1st couple facing 2nd couple, who are in 3rd position);
9-16 HAND-IN-HAND REEL OF 3: all dance Hand-in-Hand Reel of 3 switching hands with partner at each end of the reel (start the reel with 1st and 2nd couples passing right shoulders);
17-20 SET AND TEAPOTS: set (1st woman to 3rd couple, 1st man to 2nd couple), and dance 3-hands across, 1st woman left hand with 3rd couple and 1st man right hand with 2nd couple;
21-24 CROSSOVER WHEELS: 3-hands across each person crossing over into opposite wheel as they reach the middle, women passing in front of men (1st couple cross on bar 21, 2nd man and 3rd woman on bar 22, 2nd woman and 3rd man on bar 23: all end in original places, women facing out right hands joined with partner, left with corner);
25-32 BALANCE IN CIRCLE AND ½ TURN TWICE: all balance in the circle, change places passing right with partner, balance in circle, change places left hands with next person round the circle, ending with a new partner in a new place.
Repeat from new places.
(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)
Dance Information
"Card It Weil" is Scots for "comb it well".Back to the top of this Scottish Country Dancing Instructions 'Card It Weil' page