Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Catnip Mice

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Catnip Mice 8x32 Jig for 2C by Sue McKinnell

1-8 1C dance down the outside and turn away from each other and dance back to places.
9-16 1M and 2C dance a LS reel across the dance.
17-24 1W and 2C dance a RS reel across the dance.
25-32 1C cross RH and cast one place as 2C steps up. 1C turn RH 1½ to end facing out.


(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Sue McKinnell, 2018)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

The suggested music is 6 times through as this dance works well in 3-couple sets.

Suggested music: Crabbit Shona from Jig for Joy. An 8 times through tune that also works is Any Good Jig from The Scotians Play Favourites.

(Dance information by the deviser, Sue McKinnell)

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