Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Charly's Strathspey

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

CHARLY'S STRATHSPEY (S3x32) 3C Set James (Jim) Stott Argentine Collection 2020

1- 8 1s+2s ½ turn partner RH to face up nearer hands joined and set; 1s cast to 2nd place while 2s dance up to top, 1s+2s cross RH to own side. 213
9-16 All dance reels of 3 on opposite sides: 2s cross down to start (1s out up, 3s in/up), 1s and 3s cross down on reaching top place. (2)(1)(3)
17-24 All dance Allemande Turn right:
 All advance to take partner's RH, Lady dances under Man's arm. Lady curves out to place as Man retires; all set and cross RH. 213
25-32 1s+3s dance Tourbillon:
 1s and 3s ½ turn partners 2H, 1M and 3L lead partners by nearer hand 1 place clockwise (end 1s on Ladies' side and 3s Men's side), 1s set to 3s
 1s and 3s ½ turn partners 2H and lead partners clockwise to end 3s in 2nd place and 1s in 3rd place then both cross RH to own sides. 231

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

This dance was devised to show the favourite formations enjoyed by Charly Candia from José C. Paz, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

When he went to an RSCDS summer school in St Andrews (taught by Jim), Charly became friends with Jim Stott and Anne McArthur and invited Jim and Anne to a holiday in Buenos Aires in October 2019, which included a Scottish country dancing workshop (led by Jim).

The Argentine Collection published by Jim Stott on 1st August 2020, is a suite of dances inspired by the experiences gained and the places and people he visited on that South American trip.

Charly visited Portsoy in the north-east of Scotland to attend the launch of The Argentine Collection (in Ashdale Hall, Westhill, Aberdeenshire) in May 2022, where he also picked up his new kilt made specially for the occasion thanks to Anne McArthur, who won the kilt as a prize in a charity draw held by Soy Kilts, 54 Seafield St, Portsoy, Banff, Scottland.

Jim Stott's friends, Susan and Shona Macfadyen along with Ewan Galloway, recorded a complementary music CD to accompany the dances.

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