Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Clutha Mhòr

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

CLUTHA MHÒR (R96) Sq.Set Published Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

1- 4 1L, 2L, 3M, 4M dance RHA
5- 8 1L, 2L, 3M, 4M cast behind partners, passing LEFT shoulders (finish as at end of bar 4)
(i.e. with RH joined in wheel)

9-10 Joining LH with partners, all set
11-12 All half-turn partners LH (putting them into centre, RH joined in wheel)
13-14 All set
15-16 All turn partners LH to original positions.

17-24 All dance double Rights and Lefts:

17-18 1C+3C change RH as normal, while 2C+4C change RH on sides
19-20 1C+3C change LH on sides, while 2C+4C change LH across the set
21-22 1C+3C; 2C+4C as bars 17-18
23-24 1C+3C; 2C+4C as bars 19-20

All in symmetry: all moving along same axis in same direction

25-32 All dance double ladies' chain (finish facing corners)

33-34 All turn corners RH into circle - men facing out
35-36 All set with hands joined in circle
37-40 All ¾ turn partner LH, to finish in promenade hold, facing anticlockwise
41-48 All promenade around the set.

49-96 Repeat with 1M, 2M, 3L, 4L.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Morag Lithgow, 2015)

Dance Notes

Bars 65-72 Double Rights and Lefts figure is danced on the other axes.
i.e. 2C+4C start by giving RH across the set, while 1C+3C change RH on side.

(Dance notes by the deviser, Morag Lithgow)

Dance Information

Clutha Mhòr (a word play on "Clutha More") is based on the dance Clutha, to which it makes an excellent encore.

(Dance information by the deviser, Morag Lithgow)

Clutha is the Gaelic name for "The River Clyde", a major river in Scotland and Mhòr is Gaelic for "Great" or "Big". "Clutha Mhòr" should be pronounced as "Kloo~ Voer" in English, with the stress on the first syllable of each and where:
  "oo" is as in "noon";
  "~" represents the very short, indeterminate, vowel sound; and
  "oe" is as in "toe".
See Gaelic Dance Names for more information on Gaelic spelling and pronunciation.

The Clyde - Information Video

Clutha Mhòr - Great River Clyde
Springfield Quay View Of The River Clyde, Glasgow

Text from this original The Clyde article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright Johnny Durnan under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.

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