Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Confederation Square

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

CONFEDERATION SQUARE (R1x88) Sq.Set Gene A MacKinnon Ardbrae 50 Years

1- 8 1M+4L and 3M+2L dance ½ R&L. 1L+2M and 3L+4M dance ½ R&L
9-16 All turn partners RH and turn corners LH to face partners
17-24 1s+3s set to partners, petronella turn into line up/down set, Ladies BtoB facing partners. 1s+3s turn partners RH remaining in line in middle
25-32 2s+4s repeat bars 17-24 into line across set (couples are now in a cross-shaped figure)
33-40 All set to partners and change places RH, all set to partners and change places LH. Ladies face in
41-48 Ladies dance RH across and LH back to face partners while Men dance anticlockwise round set through each place (straight line paths) back to places
49-52 Men dance behind partners LSh, dance in front of next Lady in clockwise direction to end in corner positions (1M between 2nd+3rd place, 3M between 4th+1st place) while Ladies advance and retire
53-56 Ladies dance out, cast to Left (round Man to Left) then diagonally across to face partner (Ladies BtoB) while Men advance and retire
57-64 Ladies dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting, end facing partner while Men set, dance 1 place clockwise to next corner, set to next Lady, repeat until meet own partners. (Men dance behind Ladies)
65-76 Interlocking reels of 4 on diagonals, passing partner RSh and LH across ½ way in middle
77-80 All take promenade hold with partners facing clockwise (Ladies on inside) and promenade ½ way round
81-88 All circle 8H round and back to original places

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Information

Confederation Square is an urban square in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and is considered the second most important ceremonial centre in Canada's capital city, after Parliament Hill.

Confederation Square
Confederation Square, With National War Memorial In The Centre, Ottawa, Canada

Dance information licensed under this Creative Commons Licence 3.0.
Text from this original Confederation Square article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright Skeezix1000 (Own work) Creative Commons Licence 3.0 or GFDL Copyleft, via Wikimedia Commons.

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