Cream Tea
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
CREAM TEA (S3x32) 3C set Ian Dall Third Sheaf Collection1- 4 1s turn 1¼ with 2H, moving down then pass RSh to face 1st corners (2s step up 3-4)
5-16 Dance to Corners and Set (12 bars):
Couple in middle change places with corners passing RSh, corners pass RSh in middle with a ¼ turn to right to face next corner while supporting corners set (2 bars). Repeat 5 more times to end with corners in diagonally opposite place and 1s in middle ½ turn RH on bar 16 to face opposite sides
17-20 1M+3s (at top) and 1L+2s dance LH across. 1s end RSh to RSh in middle facing opposite sides
21-24 1M followed by 3L+3M dance down Ladies' side, across at 3rd place and up to 2nd place own side while 1L+2M+2L dance similarly up Men's side, across and down to 2nd place. (2)1(3)
25-28 2s+1s+3s circle 6H ½ round to left
29-32 3s+2s turn 2H while 1s turn 2H 1½ times. 312
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
Cream Tea - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
A cream tea (also known as a Devon cream tea, Devonshire tea, or Cornish cream tea) is a form of afternoon tea, consisting of tea served with a combination of scones, clotted cream (or, less authentically, whipped cream), jam, and sometimes butter. Though a particular speciality of Devon and Cornwall, cream teas are sold in tea rooms throughout England, and in some other parts of the Commonwealth.The exact origin of "cream tea" is disputed, although there is evidence to suggest that the tradition of eating bread with cream and jam already existed at Tavistock Abbey in Devon in the 11th century.
The earliest use of "cream tea" in the sense of the afternoon tea, as opposed to a cup of tea with cream in it, that the Oxford English Dictionary reports, is in the 1964 novel Picture of Millie by Philip Maitland Hubbard, "We just bathe and moon about and eat cream teas." However, the "Foods of England" website has discovered a much earlier newspaper cutting, 'The Cornishman' of Thursday, 3 September 1931), which uses the phrase in what appears to be its modern sense.
Cream Tea
Dance information licensed under this Creative Commons Licence 3.0.
Text from this original Cream Tea article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright Jeremy Keith from Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom (Cream tea) Creative Commons Licence 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
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