Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary


Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Crinkum-Crankum (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Lewis N Derrick 1987

1-8 The 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance reels of three on the sides, the 1st couple crossing down, no hands, into second place on opposite sides to begin and ending back to back facing their first corners; to begin the 2nd couple dance up and out, the 3rd couple up and in
9-12 The 1st couple set to their first corners and turn them by the left hand to end in second place, opposite sides
13-16 The 1st couple set to one another across the dance and turn three quarters round by the right hand to end facing their second corners
17-20 The 1st couple set to their second corners and turn them by the left hand to end with the 1st man between the 2nd couple facing down and the 1st woman between the 3rd couple facing up
21-24 The 1st couple set to one another and turn three quarters round by the right hand to end in second place, own sides
25-32 The 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back

Repeat having passed a couple

(Dance Crib compiled by the deviser, Lewis N Derrick 2020)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

This jig, Crinkum-Crankum, was devised for Allison Grear.

The title is a whimsical term used by John Aubrey in his book Brief Lives, it means something that is full of intricate twists and turns.

Suggested tune: James Glen's Jig.

Devised February 1987; first published 1989; republished electronically 2020.

Copyright 1987, 1989, 2020 Lewis N. Derrick.

(Dance information reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Lewis N Derrick)

Alternative forms of crinkum crankum are crincum-crancum and crincum crancum

Crinkum-Crankum comes from crinkle and crankle, or a Low Latin crincum.

Crinkum Crankum - Crinkle Crankle Wall

Published in The McGhie Scottish Country Dance Books, Volume 4, The McGhie's Seat and Other Scottish Country Dances, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Lewis N Derrick.
Dance information licensed under this Creative Commons Licence 3.0.
Text from this original Crinkum Crankum article on Wiktionary.
Image copyright John Firth under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.

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