The Dancing Years
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
THE DANCING YEARS (R88) Sq.Set Roy Goldring 3 Anniversary dances1- 8 Men dance in, set, turn right about and dance out to next place clockwise passing behind corner person
9-16 Ladies dance in, set, turn left about and dance out to next place anticlockwise passing behind corner person
17-24 1L+3L turn RH 1¼ times, dance LH across ½ way (1L with couple in 1st place, 3L with couple in 3rd place) and chase anticlockwise back to 'new' places while couples in 1st and 3rd places ½ turn LH
25-32 1M+3M turn LH 1¼ times, dance RH across ½ way (1M with couple in 1st place, 3M with couple in 3rd place) and chase clockwise back to 'new' places while couples in 1st and 3rd places ½ turn RH
33-40 Men repeat bars 1-8
41-48 Ladies repeat bars 9-16 and all end with own partners in opposite original places
49-56 2L+4L repeat bars 17-24
57-64 2M+4M repeat bars 25-32
65-72 1s+3s dance ½ R&L to end facing corner person, change places with corner RH and set then face in
73-80 2s+4s dance ½ R&L to end facing corner person, change places with corner RH to meet own partner and set then face in
81-88 All dance 8H round and back
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
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