The Delft Delight
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
DELFT DELIGHT (R32) Round The Room Andrew GilliesMan with 2 Ladies - Ladies face clockwise and Man anticlockwise ("Double Triangles" positions)
1- 8 Man dances ½ reel of 3 with Ladies (RSh to Lady on right) and all set twice
9-16 Man dances ½ reel of 3 with Ladies (LSh to Lady on left) and all set twice
17-24 Man turns Lady on right RH, turns Lady on left LH to end Ladies facing clockwise and Men anticlockwise holding nearer hands (as Double Triangles)
25-32 Ladies advance 2 steps as Man Retires, Ladies Retire as Man advances. All drop hands and advance to meet new partners, join hands and set
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
The Delft Delight (32 bar reel, round the room dance) Andrew Gillies
Each man has 2 ladies as his partners. They stand facing each other as for the "Double Triangle" position, the ladies facing clockwise and the men facing anticlockwise.
1 - 4 Half a reel of 3. The man passes right shoulder with the lady on his right, and finishes facing the ladies - with hands joined for "Double Triangles". (The ladies having changed sides).
5 - 8 In this position all set twice.
9 - 12 Half reel of 3. The man passes left shoulder with the lady on his left. All finish in their original places with hands joined as before.
13 - 16 In this position all set twice.
17 - 20 The man turns the lady on his right with right hand.
21 - 24 The man turns the lady on his left with left hand.
25 - 26 With hands joined as for "Double Triangles", the ladies advance, the man retires, with 2 skip changes of step.
27 - 28 The man advances and the ladies retire, with 2 skip changes of step, hands held as before.
29 - 30 Dropping hands, the man advances to meet and join hands with the next 2 ladies that now face him, while the ladies (the man's original 2 partners) advance to meet the oncoming man.
31 - 32 With hands joined, the man with his new partners, and the ladies with their new partner, all set.
Repeat ad lib. with new partners.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Andrew Gillies, Croydon, 1973)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Information
Devised to commemorate their visit to Delft, The Netherlands, in June 1973 and dedicated to the St. Andrew's Society of Delft, what was later to become the Delft Branch of The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, in 1979.(Dance information by Aad L.M. Boode)
Suggested Tune: Miss Stewart's Welcome to Delft, by Gertrude Stewart.
(Dance information by the deviser, Andrew Gillies)
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