Désirée Patterson
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Désirée Patterson 40 bar Strathspey for 4 Couples Rod Downey The Johnsonville CollectionA 4 couple 40 bar Strathspey.
1-4 1C set and cast one place, 2C step up on 3-4. Similarly 4C set, cast one place up, and 3C step down on 3 and 4.
5-8 1C and 4C dance 4 hands across (RH), and finish with nearer hands joined with partners facing "corners". That is 4C finish facing 3rd lady, and 1C facing 2nd man.
9-14 First and fourth couples dance 'hello and goodbye' setting 'in tandem' with second and third couples. To wit:
9-10 First couple, with nearer hands joined, set to second man while fourth couple, with nearer hands joined, set to third woman.
On bar 10, first couple release hands and dance out to the men's side pulling back right shoulder, while fourth couple release hands and dance out to the women's side.
11-12 First and fourth couples, with nearer hands joined with partner, set to each other across the set. On bar 12, first couple release hands and dance in to face third man while fourth couple release hands and dance in to face second woman. First and fourth couples finish back to back in the middle.
13-14 First couple, with nearer hands joined, set to third man while fourth couple, with nearer hands joined, set to second woman. On bar 14, first couple release hands and dance down to finish between third couple facing up while fourth couple release hands and dance up to finish between second couple facing down.
15-16 All set 4 and 4 across.
17-24 1C dance a reel of three across with the 3rd couple (no lead change), giving right shoulder to third lady to begin, finishing dancing a little up the ladies' side towards second lady's position. This should not be rushed.
4C dance similarly with 2C, beginning with by giving right shoulder to second man, finishing dancing down towards third mans' position.
25-28 1C and 4C dance left hands across about ⅞ around to finish with 1C in 3rd place and 4C in 2nd place, both on opposite sides.
29-32 1C and 4C turn partner LH 1½.
33-40 1C, 3C and 2C, 4C, dance all round poussettes.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Rod Downey, Johnsonville SCD Club Tutor)
Dance Notes
The dance does demand a bit of phrasing, and the active couples in the hello-goodbye sequence are advised to not travel too far on the right setting, and really drive for the left setting, particularly the "leading" people.(Dance notes by the deviser, Rod Downey)
Dance Instruction Videos
Désirée Patterson - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
Rod Downey, tutor of the Johnsonville SCD Club, Wellington, New Zealand, devised this dance, Désirée Patterson, in honour of club member Désirée Patterson's 70th birthday on Monday, August 14, 2017.Désirée has been secretary for the Johnsonville Club, and is a long serving member. She and her husband John are super-keen cyclists and have a longstanding blog. Being of Dutch descent, the cycling is part of her DNA.
The Hello and Goodbye figure is from the Cane Toad Collection, specifically the dance called An Tri Daraich (The Three Oaks). If people need help, then I would suggest using travelling step on the LF.
Recommended music is "Cropies Strathspey" by Peter Milne and suitable recording is by the Scotsmen in "Two More Couples", but since this is almost certainly unobtainable I suggest "Centenary Square" by Chris Drewhurst, and a good recording is the society's recording of The Library at Birmingham from Book 49.
(Dance information from The Johnsonville Collection Of Scottish Country Dances, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Rod Downey)
Published in The Johnsonville Collection, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Rod Downey.
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