The Dice Dance
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
The Dice Dance (R8x48) 3C (4C set) Sue Petyt1-8 First man dances a figure of eight round second and third man, dancing in front of second man to begin
9-16 First couple dance a figure of eight round second couple
17-24 First Couple with second man, dance right hands across and left hands across. (First lady in front of her partner) All finish in original places
25-32 First and second couples dance half rights and lefts, (omit polite turns) first and second couples cross right hands, and set
33-40 First lady and third man, followed by first man, followed by second couple, dance down the middle and back to place
41-48 Second, first and third couples circle round and back
Repeat from second place as follows
1-8 First lady dances a figure of eight round second and third lady, dancing in front of second lady to begin
9-16 First couple dance a figure of eight round second couple
17-24 First Couple with second lady, dance left hands across and right hand across (first man in front of his partner) All finish in original places
25-32 First and second couples dance half rights and lefts, (omit polite turns) first and second couples cross right hands, and set
33-40 First man and third lady, followed by first lady, followed by second couple, dance down the middle and back to place
41-48 Second, first and third couples circle round and back
New top couple begin
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Sue Petyt, 2004)
Dance Notes
This reel, Dice Dance, has one dancer dancing for the first eight bars, then 2 dancers for the next eight bars, then three and so on until there are six dancers.(Dance notes by the deviser, Sue Petyt)
Dance Instruction Videos
The Dice Dance - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video
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