The Editor Emeritus
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
The Editor Emeritus (4x32J) 32 bar jig for four couples in a longwise set, Murrough Landon, 2020.2nd and 4th couples start on opposite sides.
1-4 2nd and 3rd couples petronella turn to the centre line and set to their partner.
5-8 2nd and 3rd couples, giving right hands, turn three quarters to the opposite side and set to their partner.
9-12 2nd and 3rd couples dance half a figure of eight out of the nearest end, returning to their original places.
13-16 2rd and 3rd couples dance left hands across.
17-20 1st and 2nd couples, also 3rd and 4th couples, each dance right hands across slightly less than half way round so that 1st and 4th women are closer to the centre line while their partners are closer to the sidelines. All keep right hands joined in the crosses and 1st and 4th couples also join left hands up and down, slightly on the diagonal. All balance.
21-24 1st and 4th couples, retaining left hands, half turn moving out to the sidelines.
Meanwhile 2nd and 3rd couples, retaining right hands, cross over to 1st and 4th places.
All four men end facing out while the woman all end facing in.
All Balance-in-Line on the sides and end turning to their right to face up and down.
25-28 All dance half a reel of four on the sides, starting by passing right shoulder.
29-32 3rd and 1st couples, also 4th and 2nd couples, each circle four hands round to the left. End in the order 3,1,4,2 with 1st and 2nd couples on opposite sides.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA June 2020 (revised August 2022))
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
The Editor Emeritus - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
This dance is dedicated to Eric Ferguson who has worked tirelessly for the international Scottish Country Dance community for several decades.His contributions include writing thousands of "Ecribs" and maintaining and adding to the contents of the Scottish Country Dance Database (SCDDB, also known as the Strathspey Database or DanceData).
He has always been ready to offer a helping hand to others by sharing his expertise or making quick database updates. The extra hand holds in this dance are a symbol of that.
Recommended Music: Eric Ferguson, E-crib Master (Wouter Joubert) played ABAB.
The dance was written for this tune which was composed by Wouter as a gift to Eric on his retirement from active editing of the Strathspey Database.
(Dance information by the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA 2020)
Published in The Editor Emeritus, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Murrough Landon, CC BY-SA.
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