Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Elegant Gentleman

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE ELEGANT GENTLEMAN (M(S4x32+R4x32)) 3C (4C set) Sandra Turton and Norma Craven Many Happy Hours: Pretoria 35th

1- 8 1s+2s+3s dance Inveran reels (6 bars), 1s curve in/down to 2nd place, 2s curve out/up to 1st place. 213
9-16 2s+3s dance R&L (no polite turn) while 1s cross RH, cast right round 1st corner (position) to ends, dance through 2nd place own side and cast right into lines of 3 across facing 2nd corners
17-24 ½ reels of 3 across (1M+2L and 1L+3M pass LSh); 1s turn LH (1¾ in Strathspey: ¾ in reel) while 2s+3s set up/down on sides and change places RH. (3)(1)(2)
25-32 3s+1s+2s set and link for 3 twice. 213

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Elegant Gentleman
"Study For The Portrait Of A Gentleman" Ozias Humphrey (1742-1810), Pencil And Watercolour, Before 1811

Image copyright Ozias Humphrey, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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