Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

An Elvish Affair

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

AN ELVISH AFFAIR (J4x32) 4C set Liebet Joubert Fields Of Gold
2 chords - 2nd chord 3s and 4s cross to opposite sides

1- 8 1s and 4s dance Figs of 8 1s round 2s, 4s round 3s. 12(3)(4)
9-10 1s+4s set (Men turn left about to face out) while 2s and 3s ½ turn 2H (skip change) and release inside hands
11-14 1s+4s chase ½ way anticlockwise to change places while 2s+3s dance 4H round to left and release hands to join 2H with partner
15-16 4s and 1s set while 2s and 3s ½ turn 2H using skip change to sides. 42(3)(1)
17-24 4s+1s cross RH and cast. (2s+3s step up/down 19-20); 4s+1s set and link. 21(4)(3)
25-32 1s and 4s dance the Spiral Progression to change places:
 25-28 1L+4L turn ¾ RH to give LH to partner and Balance-in-Line, on 2nd setting step 1M and 4M turn left about (face clockwise) and join nearer hands with partner
 29-30 1s+4s in a diagonal line rotate ¼ way clockwise
 31-32 1M+4M drop hands and dance to next position on side lines while 1L+4L continue turning RH to finish on sides. 24(1)(3)

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

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