Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Falkirk Bairn

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE FALKIRK BAIRN (S4x32) 4C set Campbell Hunter

1- 8 All Men cross and dance RSh round partner into face them, all set, Men pivot to right and dance back to place while Ladies set
9-16 Repeat with Ladies crossing
17-24 2s followed by 1s dance down for 3 bars, cross and dance up (2s leading) to top, 2s+1s set while 3s+4s cross RH. (2)(1)(3)(4)
25-32 All dance set and link for 4 twice:
 All set, First corner pair (2 dancers at left end of lines) dance to the right and curve round to face up/down while the other 2 dancers cast and chase clockwise to form lines across with the other 1st corner pair, repeat to own sides

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Information

The Falkirk Bairn means 'the child of Falkirk'.

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