Five Times Through, Thank You, Bobby
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Five Times Through, Thank You, BobbyCarole Skinner Eternal Friendship Book
Reel 5 x 32 bars 5 Couple Repeat 5 Couple Set Longwise Set
1-6 1s 3s turn by the right halfway and lead down two places, release hands and cast up one place on opposite sides;
7-8 1s 3s turn by the left to finish facing first corners;
9-10 1s 3s turn first corners by the right halfway, finishing in balance position with them on the first corners diagonal;
11-12 1s balance-in-Line with first corners;
13-14 1s 3s turn first corners by the right halfway, corners finishing back in places;
15-16 1s 3s turn by the left to finish facing second corners;
17-24 1s 3s repeat bars 9-16 with second corners, finishing in 2nd 4th places, respectively, facing out;
25-30 1L 3L cast into ¾ of a figure of 8 around the couple below WHILE 1M 3M cast up into half figure of 8 around the couple above and cast down one place on own sides, finishing 2s4s1s5s3s;
31-32 1s 3s set.
(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)
Dance Notes
1-6 This would flow more comfortably as:
1s 3s cross down by the right two places and cast up one place on opposite sides.
3-4 2s 4s step up.
29-30 2s 4s step up.
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