Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Flowers Of Ildikó

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Flowers Of Ildikó 32 bar reel for couple facing couple round the room, Devised By Zsófia József.
Each man has his partner on his right.
Published in A Reel Goulash 2: Budapest Book of Scottish Country Dances, 2017.

1-8 With hands joined in a circle advance and retire twice - on bars 2 and 6 raise arms up and shout "Ildikó".
9-12 Keeping nearer hands joined with partner and raising the joined hands above head-height, each woman dances in front of her partner, round him and back to place; the men stand still.
13-16 The men repeat, dancing in front of their partners to begin; the women stand still.
17-24 All dance back to back with dancer opposite, turn dancer opposite with the right hand.
25-32 Advance and retire, change places right hand with the dancer opposite then change places left hand with the next person.

Join hands with next couple ready to start again.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Zsófia József, 2015)

Dance Instruction Videos

Flowers Of Ildikó - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

One of the most common female names in our club is Ildikó. We celebrate their name day (10th March) with this dance.

Music: "Catch the Wind" is a good choice to have great fun!

(Dance information from A Reel Goulash 2, Budapest Book of Scottish Country Dances, reproduced here with kind permission)

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