For Posterity
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
For PosterityMaggie and Duncan Keppie Gaelic College SCD Book 3: A Dime A Dozen
Reel 3 x 32 bars 3 Couple Repeat 3 Couple Set Triangular Set
1-4 LIONS HEAD: 1st couple turn one and a half times by the right hand;
5-8 SHIELD OUTLINE: 1st woman dances clockwise behind 2nd couple ending on left hand side of 2nd man, as 1st man dances anticlockwise behind 3rd couple ending on right hand side of 3rd woman;
9-12 CHEVRON: joining nearer hands in two lines (1st woman with 2nd couple, 1st man with 3rd couple), all set twice;
13-16 SHEAVES: 1st woman dances through an arch made by 3rd couple as 1st man dances through an arch made by 2nd couple and dance back to original places;
17-24 CROWN: All set advancing for 2 bars as a basket is formed by the men joining hands behind the women followed by the women reaching beneath the men's arms and joining behind the men (all place the hands in the small of the back); all circle twice around to the left for 6 bars in the basket using 12 Tulloch Step (right foot in the middle and push off with the left foot and lean back);
25-32 PERIPHERAL DECORATION: all set with Pas de Basque dropping the basket hold but keeping arms outstretched to open out into a circle (2 bars), all petronella to neighbour's place on the right (2 bars), all set once with Pas de Basque hands joined in a circle (2 bars), all petronella one more place to right ending in original triangular set but having progressed one place anticlockwise.
(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)
Dance Information
This reel, For Posterity, was devised to commemorate the awarding of arms to John W. Southcombe by the Chief Herald of Canada, Robert D. Watt.The triangular set depicts the trillium in the coat of arms, each woman standing on her partner's right hand, 1st couple with their back to the music and the other couples numbered clockwise around the set.
Within the crest in the arms of John William Southcombe lie symbolised seeded trillium flowers and beneath the crest the Motto "FOR POSTERITY".
The Letters Patent announcement was made on October 14, 1995.
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