The Golden Chain
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
THE GOLDEN CHAIN (S3x32) 3C set Chris Ronald Big Apple Collection1- 8 1s lead down (3 bars) and back (3 bars). 1s cast, pass RSh to 2nd place opposite sides
9-12 2s+1s+3s ¾ circle 6H to Left, Men pull back LSh to face anticlockwise
13-24 3 Couple Ladies' Chain:
Ladies dance RH across one place while Men dance one place anticlockwise
Men turn Ladies LH
Repeat twice more
25-28 All ¾ circle 6H to Right
29-32 1s cross LSh and cast to 3rd place
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Information
Also see the dance Golden Chains devised by Dorothy Bell.Back to the top of this Scottish Country Dancing Instructions 'The Golden Chain' page