Half And Half (Petyt)
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Half And Half (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Sue Petyt1-4 First and second couple dance the first four bars of the Tournée, finishing in a line in the centre of the dance
5-8 First and second couple dance ½ a right shoulder reel of four, finishing facing partner in a line in the centre of the dance
9-12 First and second couple set to partner, and turn with both hands, to finish with first lady and second man back to back on the first corner diagonal, ready for...
13-16 First and second couple dance half a poussette, using bar 16 to turn to finish on own sides, in the centre of the set, nearer hands joined with partner, first couple facing up, second couple facing down
17-20 First and second couples dance the first four bars of the Rondel, with first couple (dancing up) making the arch. Finish on the sides facing in
21-24 First and second couples circle to the left
25-28 First and second couples set to partner and cross right hand
28-32 First and second couples dance ½ rights and lefts.
First couple then dance the second halves of the figures (in reverse) with third couple
1-4 First and third couple ½ rights and lefts
5-8 First and third couple set and cross over left hand
9-12 First and third couple circle to the right, finishing on the side lines facing out
13-16 First and third couples dance bars 5-8 of the Rondel, begin by crossing first couple in front of third couple. On bar 8 turn with both hands to finish with first man and third lady back to back on the second corner diagonal ready for...
17-20 First and third couple dance half a diagonal poussette, on bar 20, turn to finish with the ladies back to back (first lady facing up, third lady facing down) facing their partners in a line in the centre of the set
21-24 First and third couples set to partners and turn all the way round with both hands
25-28 First and third couple dance ½ right shoulder reel in the centre of the set, finishing facing partners
29-32 First and third couples dance the second half of the Tournée
A new top couple then starts
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Sue Petyt, 1998)
Dance Notes
The first couple dance the first four bars of several figures with second couple, and then dance the second half of each figure, in reverse order from second place with the third couple.As this is a two couple dance, the first couple can dance the first half again with the fourth couple.
(Dance notes by the deviser, Sue Petyt)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Information
Also see the dance Half And Half (Riley) by John Riley.This is not a dance I would expect to see in a ballroom, but is an interesting dance for experienced dancers.
(Dance information by the deviser, Sue Petyt)
Published in https://suepetyt.e-cribs.org/
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