The Hartfell Jig
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
The Hartfell Jig (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Sue Petyt1-2 First couple cross over giving right hands and stay facing out
3-8 First and second couples dance ¾ of a double figure of eight, first couple cast to begin as second couple cross up. Finish on own sides, first couple in second place and second couple in first place
9-12 First and third couple circle once round to the left
13-16 Second, first and third couples dance half a right shoulder reel of three, first and third couples passing right shoulder to begin
17-18 Second, first and third couples join hands on the sides and set
19-20 Second, first and third couples cross over giving right hands
21-24 Second, first and third couples chase clockwise half way round the set to own sides (2,1,3)
25-26 First lady dances towards second man, WHILE first man sets advancing towards third lady
27-28 First lady turns second man with the left hand and finishes in second place, opposite side, WHILE first man turns third lady with the left hand and finishes in second place opposite side
29-30 First lady dances towards second lady WHILE first man sets advancing towards third man
31-32 First lady turns second lady with the right hand and finishes in second place own side, WHILE first man turns third man with the right hand and finishes in second place own side
Repeat from new positions
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Sue Petyt, 2005)
Dance Instruction Videos
The Hartfell Jig - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
The original tune 'Hartfell Jig' was written by Nicky McMichan to mark Willie McRobert's 50th birthday.The Hartfell Band was a local Moffat band formed in the early 1950s in which Willie's father played the fiddle.
(Dance information by the deviser, Sue Petyt)
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