Hertford Exchange
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
HERTFORD EXCHANGE (S3x32) 3C Set Jenny Buckingham SEHSCDS Diamond Jubilee Strathspey Collection1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across; 2s+3s dance LH across
9-16 Reels of 3 on sides, 1s+2s pass RSh
17-24 All dance "The Exchange":
17-18 All cross RH with partner
19-20 Centre dancers change places LH with dancer in 2nd corner position (2M+1M, 2L+3L) while dancers in 1st corner position (3M and 1L) set
21-22 All cross RH with dancer opposite
23-24 Centre dancers change places LH with dancer in 2nd corner position (3L+1L, 1M+3M) while dancers in 1st corner position (2L and 2M) set. 321
25-32 All circle 6H round and back. 231
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
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