Homeward Bound (Boyd)
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
HOMEWARD BOUND (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Iain Boyd World Around the Corner1- 8 1s set, cross RH, cast below 3s and dance up middle (1L followed by 1M) to face 2L (2s step up 5-6)
9-16 1s dance RSh Semi-Alternating Tandem reel with 2nd corners, passing 2L RSh (alternate once at bar 10) and end facing 2M (1M followed by 1L)
17-24 1s dance LSh Semi-Alternating Tandem reel with 1st corners, passing 2M LSh (alternate once at bar 18) and end facing up (1L followed by 1M)
25-32 1s dance RH across with 2L and LH across with 2M ending 2nd place own sides
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Dance Information
Also see the dance Homeward Bound (Forbes) by Bill Forbes.Also see the dance Homeward Bound (Mitchell) by John W Mitchell.
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