Hunter House Mill
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Hunter House Mill (S4x32) 4C set Sue PetytTwo Chords, third and fourth couples cross over on the second chord 1 2(3)(4)
1-6 First couple with nearer hands joined, dance down the middle, (finishing below the fourth couple), separate, cast up behind the fourth and third couples finishing in second place. MEANWHILE Second couple stand still for 2 bars, then with nearer hands joined, dance down the middle, (finishing below the third couple), separate, cast up behind the third couple and dance up to finish in first place
7-8 Second and first couples set
9-14 Fourth couple with nearer hands joined, dance up the middle, (finishing above the second couple who are in first place), separate, cast down behind the second and first couples to third place. MEANWHILE Third couple stand still for 2 bars, then with nearer hands joined, dance up the middle, (finishing above the first couple who are in second place), separate, cast down behind the third couple and dance down to finish in fourth place
15-16 Fourth and third couples set
17-20 All four couples turn partner right hand once round
21-24 First and fourth couples dance half rights and lefts, omitting the polite turn at the end
25-32 Second couple face down, fourth couple face up, first couple face down, third couple face up and dance a reel of four on the side
Repeat from new positions
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Sue Petyt, 2006)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
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