The Inside Oot Fish Eater
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
THE INSIDE OOT FISH EATER (R5x32) 5C set Caroline Bradshaw and Ian Brockbank The Badgers Sett1- 8 1s and 3s lead down and back to face 1st corners (2s and 4s step up 3-4)
9-12 1s and 3s dance Corner pass and turn with 1st corners; on approaching partners pull back RSh to face 4th corners
13-16 Repeat 9-12 with 4th corners, pulling back RSh to face out on own side
17-24 2s, 4s and 5s dance Petronella turn and set twice while 1s and 3s dance out, cast Right, cross between setting couples, out and cast Right to end 1s in 2nd place, 3s in 4th place (End with all couples on opposite sides, so all set bars 23-24) (2)(1)(4)(3)(5)
25-28 2s ½ turn RH while 1s+4s also 3s+5s dance ½ RH across; All set
29-32 All turn RH (or birl) 24153
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
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