Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Invershiel Gold

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Invershiel Gold (S6 or) S8x32 2 couples (3 or 4C set) Fiona MacDonald Dances In Kintail

1 - 4 1s and 2s Set and turn partner with two hands
5 - 8 1s face up and cast to 2nd place, while 2s dance up (nearer hands) cast into 1st place, 1s turn RH to face own sides
9 - 16 2s and 1s RSh reel of 4, 1s twirl into circle
17 - 24 2s and 1s circle to left and back
25 - 32 2s and 1s Diamond Poussette

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Fiona MacDonald)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Published in Dances In Kintail Collection, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Fiona MacDonald.

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