Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

JB² (JB Squared)

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

JB2 (JB SQUARED) (M-(S64+J64)) Sq.Set Mackintosh, Richardson and Walker Aurora 10th Anniversary

1- 8 Double Ladies' Chain (Ladies dance ½ RH across in middle)
9-16 1s and 3s Petronella-in-tandem to face across. 1s and 3s set, dance RH across finishing facing and all couples take promenade hold
17-24 Promenade reel of 4 across (1s and 3s pass RSh) 1s and 3s finish facing in centre, nearer hands joined
25-32 1s dance under arch made by 3s. 1s and 3s dance out through 4s/2s (Men between, Ladies pass standing Men LSh) back to places and turn LH 1½
33-56 2s and 4s repeat bars 9-32
57-64 All circle 8H round and back

Repeat, except bars 17-24 and 40-48 danced as parallel reels of 4 (1L+3M, 1M+3L pass RSh)

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

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